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We Don’t Need Big Government – or Lawyers Either!

April 13, 2011

We don’t need big government — only a government big enough to to keep mega financial corporations from destroying our pensions, 401Ks and savings.

We don’t need big government — only a government big enough to regulate and keep massive oil companies from wrecking our commercial fisheries, decimating our sea food industries, destroying our coastlines, beaches, and demolishing our environment.

We don’t need big government — only a government big enough to keep us safe from pharmaceutical corporations grabbing billions in profits rather than properly testing medicines that are supposed to help us. We just need a government big enough to keep them from lying to our good doctors about medicines they spend millions to advertise that could and do kill us.

We don’t need big government — only a government big enough to prevent fraudsters and crooks from manipulating the stock market and scamming good honest Americans, robbing them of their future.

We don’t need big government — only a government big enough to regulate and develop clean water systems and keep uncaring corporations from polluting the air we breath and the water we drink without us even knowing about it.

We don’t need big government — only a government big enough to protect us from foods that can poison us from products sold and imported from foreign countries that injure and kill our children and families.

We don’t need big government — only a government big enough to insure we have available funds from our payments to Social Security to help take care of us in our senior years and medicare to help with our medical cost.

We don’t need big government — only one that will assure we won’t die on the street from a treatable medical conditions because we don’t have the money or insurance to cover the cost.

We don’t need big government — only a government that will assure when we fly in planes, the tops won’t rip off because of bad maintenance.

We don’t need big government — only a government that will protect us from terrorism and attack from enemies without and within.

We don’t need big government — only a government that will protect our borders.

We don’t need Lawyers — only lawyers skilled in trial to protect our essential Constitutional rights of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to bare arms.

We don’t need Lawyers — only lawyers skilled in trial to protect our essential Constitutional right to a jury trial rather than an arbitration scheme we can’t afford.

We don’t need Lawyers — only lawyers skilled in trial to help us get justice when we have been cheated by crooked businesses and others taking advantage of us.

We don’t need Lawyers — only lawyers skilled in trial to secure payment of our just insurance proceeds when an insurance company that took our money refuses to pay our benefits.

We don’t need Lawyers — only lawyers skilled in trial to help us get justice when we contracted and paid for a new roof or even a new home, and we are unable to get the company to honor their promises.

We don’t need Lawyers — only lawyers skilled in trial to enforce the law when we have suffered discrimination, unequal pay and denied equal opportunity.

And yet we all fall for the same propaganda over and over again that we should weaken our government regulations and our justice system because it is inefficient and out of control. Yes, it is inefficient, but should we trust corporate America and their CEOs to do the right thing? Government and the judicial system is the only chance we citizens have to keep in check big money, big power, big influence and big special interests. We have never seen out of control until we allow big money, big power, big influence and big special interests to run roughshod over our citizens’ rights without reasonable regulation of government and the threat of litigation.

They spend billions of dollars marketing their snake oil, and we willingly take it!
Br Gregory S. Cusimano